AART Graduate Researchers

Fanny Ng Shruti Mukkamala Chuck Liu Danielle Godon Alissa Gross
AART graduate students

Fanny Ng, M.A.

Picture of Fanny Ng Fanny Ng is an advanced graduate student in the Clinical Psychology program at the University of Massachusetts, Boston. She received her Bachelor's of Arts with a major in psychology and a minor in Studio Art from Stony Brook University. Fanny's clinical and research interests broadly include the study of the impact of race and racism on mental health in minority populations. Her master's thesis focused on race-related stress and its relation to racial identity, ethnic identity, and racism-related empowerment in Asian Americans. For her dissertation, she plans to examine the intersectional experiences of racism and sexism for Asian American women leaders. Fanny currently serves on the Asian Ameican Psychological Association's Board of Directors as the elected Student Representative, as organizer of the Student of Color meetings for the Clinical Psychology program, and as the research coordinator for the Asian American Research Team under Dr. Suyemoto. Fanny is a current reipient of a Minority Fellowship from the American Psychological Association.

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Shruti Mukkamala, M.A.

Picture of Shruti Mukkamala

Shruti Mukkamala is an advanced graduate student in the Clinical Psychology Program at the University of Massachusetts, Boston. She is an international student from India and had a variety of experiences with research and clinical work prior to coming to UMass Boston. Shruti is currently completing her internship at the counseling center at California State University, Long Beach. She completed her third year practicum at Cambridge Health Alliance, Behavioral Medicine. In more recent years before internship, Shruti taught undergraduate Research Methods and Abnormal Psychology courses at UMass Boston. Shruti's dissertation is a multi-method qualitative study focused on the intersectional experience of racism and sexism for Asian American women. She is looking forward to completing her graduate training and working in an academic setting where she hopes to take her training in and passion for social justice to her teaching, clinical work, research and mentoring. Shruti enjoys watching movies, traveling and listening to Hindi film music in her free time and continues to work on her goal of leading a physically active and healthy life.

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Chuck Liu B.A.

Picture of Chuck Liu

Chuck Liu is a fourth year graduate student in the Clinical Psychology program at the University of Massachusetts, Boston. He received his Bachelor's of Arts majoring in psychology from Wheaton College. Chuck completed his third year practicum at South Shore Mental Health, with a particular emphasis on services for Asian Americans. He is continuing at South Shore this year, and teaching undergraduate Social Psychology at UMass Boston. Chuck's master’s thesis focused on how ethnic identity and generational status differentially affect the relationship between racism and mental health among Asian Americans. Chuck’s research and clinical interests focus on Asian Americans, including acculturative stress among immigrant families, the experience and effects of racism, and the intersection of social justice and spirituality.

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Danielle Godon, M.A.

Picture of Danielle Godon

Danielle Godon, M.A. is a third year graduate student in the Clinical Psychology program at the University of Massachusetts, Boston. She received her Bachelor’s of Science in Business Administration from Bryant University and her Masters of Arts in psychology from Mount Holyoke College, where she completed a mixed-method thesis study that investigated sense of belonging and sense of exclusion in Korean transracial adoptees. Danielle is currently completing her third year practicum placement at the Carson Center for Human Services. She plans to continue studying issues focused on transracial adoptio and expand her research base by exploring race and racism and family socialization processes.

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Alissa Gross, B.A.

Picture of Alissa Gross

Alissa Gross is a third year graduate student in the Clinical Psychology Program at University of Massachusetts, Boston. She received her Bachelor's of Arts from Brandeis University, graduating with a major in Psychology and a minor in Hispanic and Latin American Studies. She is interested in issues of race and racism, and the process of becoming an ally, with a particular focus on children and adolescents. Her Master's thesis is a grounded theory study focusing on the process of being and becoming an ally. Alissa is currently completing her third year practicum placement at Brookline Community Health Center. She is also actively involved in advocacy to reduce gun violence and address the inequality with which inner city gun violence is addressed; she has testifyied at the State House and participated in initiatives aimed at educating teens about gun violence.

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AART Past year graduate students